I believe that the word Trend has been invented for those who like to follow, to define things, to have rules on all manner of things. It is for those who have a rational approach to the creative process and to life itself.
I love and completely agree with something Tom Ford once said in an interview answering a question that sounded like: ‘What is the most important for a designer? What differentiates a good designer from the others.’ He said that successful designers have a strongly developed intuition.’
To follow your intuition you have to believe. Believe in yourself. To follow your intuition you also have to be fearless.
‘You’ll never write well if you are afraid of dying’ says the actor playing Ernest Hemingway in Woody Allen’s film Midnight in Paris.
If you are all this: creative, intuitive and fearless – you do not need trends. You do not need to be led because you have your heart to lead you. You are connected to the source, to the Universe and what you give shape to ‘was here before you’ and you are just a tool that brings it to ‘life‘ for humans, this planet perception.
The only trend you should follow is this:
Be faithful to yourself. Be You.
Otherwise, I consider trends to be one of many dangerous demons in the world in which we live. Those sort of demons that are packed in the most beautiful box, wrapped in the cutest possible paper and tied in a pink ribbon so it looks like an angel.
And, keep in mind that following ‘demons‘ brings even more demons…
Stay awake!
(Original illustration by Željka Mićanović Miljković – PROZOR)
Nunc omni virtuti vitium contrario nomine opponitur. Age sane, inquam.
Nunc omni virtuti vitium contrario nomine opponitur. Age sane, inquam.